7 Tips to Edit Your Essay FastIf you're dead smack in the middle of a semester and have an important essay due that you pushed to the side, you're likely in a rush. Instead of sacrificing content and turning in your essay without looking it over, you can edit it much faster than you think. Following our seven tips, you can edit lightning-fast and have a perfect essay in no time.
 Essay writing can be made easier than you think
- Ask for Help
Four eyes are better than just two, right? If you're pushed for time and need an extra set of eyes and hands, don't hesitate to ask. In the world of higher education, there are always mentors, professors, or friends that are willing to help. No matter where in the world they are, you can send it over to them and ask them to give it a read over.
This tip is especially helpful if you've spent hours poring over your writing, as it helps to bring a new and fresh perspective. Your friend might be helpful and not an expert but, with fresh eyes, they may be able to spot things you missed on your first go-round.
- Don't Take Breaks
Whatever you do, do not take breaks and edit little by little. If you're in a rush, time is of the essence, and you need results fast. Just start skimming over and correct on the spot. If you were not in a hurry, the standard editing procedure would be:
- Read aloud
- Make marks
- Note grammar, spelling, or confusion for clarity
- Re-write and correct
- Re-read
- Repeat if needed
Obviously, you don't have enough time to do the process over and over again, so take out a tip from the best business practices for college students and skim your paper, and correct as you go without stopping for a bit of a break in between. Edit it all in one go and get it turned in before you miss the deadline.
- Check Topic Sentences
One of the central parts of an essay is the topic sentence. In most cases, your curriculum will ask that you have at least one topic sentence in each of your major paragraphs, like the intro and conclusion. If you're in a hurry, you could just look for your topic sentences and start there. The key task is to make them clear and aligned with the rest of the paper.
- Search for Long Sentences
As a student, you're possibly always pushed for time. From the lack of sleep, all-nighters, and the partying (we know you're not all work and no play!), you are crunched. But, if you have an essay that's due and you need to give it a quick read-over before it's due, you could use this tip and be done in minutes.
If you skim your paper and look for the longest sentences, you'll likely find mistakes. Sometimes, when we get in a hurry, we start to write whatever is at the top of our heads. It might have made sense in the process, but it's far from it after you read the final product. If you come across long sentences, split them into two sentences or take some of the extra wordage out.
- Read the Paper from Finish to Start
Yes, you did read that right! If you reverse the order, your brain won't make common sense out of your writing and will likely pick up on things that it wouldn't have otherwise. Your brain sometimes sees things the way it wants to and may not be able to distinguish specific details (especially when you're in a rush). Taking a look at your paper from the end to the beginning, you'll pick up on more errors, especially when it comes to spelling and grammar.
- Read Aloud
One thing they might not teach you in your university writing course is how useful reading aloud is. It's almost like a double-checking of your essay, helping you to both hear and see. This double-sensory method is perfect when you're short on time, helping you find mistakes fast. When you read aloud and look at your paper simultaneously, you may realize you say things and read differently.
That's when you need to delete and re-write, correcting on the spot. This method works flawlessly, especially for those who are audible or visual learners. They say that editing an essay is a long and drawn-out process, but it doesn't have to be if you know the tricks of the trade.
- Use Technology
As if something involving technology wouldn't make it on the list! We saved it for the last because it is the fastest but not always the most reliable editing option. Using software that corrects sentences, finding politically incorrect writings, and looking for spelling and grammar errors, you could lose some of your tone and flow. Remember, technology is a machine, so it can't comprehend some of your references. If you do choose to use an automated editor, opt for the one that is both trustworthy and credible.
You Can Do It!
The editing process is faster than you think. If you really left your assignment until the last minute and are not sure what to do, instead of taking the zero, check out a reddit paper writing service. These are great for any student who wants some extra time or wants to lighten their workload. Using the curriculum and guidance you send, they can write up an essay on your topic in no time.
Saving your essay until the last minute is not the end of the world. But we hope that it served as a sort of a learning experience for you even if you got a bit in your feels. Stay on top of your work and keep up with your assignments so that you can score the grades you need for your dream career. Writing and editing essays to make them stand out is possible with record turnaround if you stick to these tips from the pros, concentrate, and head to the target — high grades no matter what.